Become a JEDEC Member Company

For: companies who want to shape the future of JEDEC standards and the industry
As a JEDEC member, your company will join with other industry leaders in driving the development of open standards for the global microelectronics industry.

Please note: if your company is already a member of JEDEC and you would like access to the restricted members' website, please contact Arlene Collier for assistance.

How To Become a JEDEC Member Company

  1. Choose your membership dues level & committee selection
  2. Fill out the online membership application
  3. Select a payment method and submit the form
    New member companies enjoy a 50% discount!
  4. Login credentials for the JEDEC members' website will be issued upon receipt of payment

About JEDEC Company Membership

JEDEC member companies are represented in standards development activities by over 3,000 dedicated volunteers participating in over 50 JEDEC committees. Members enjoy many benefits, including valuable access to pre-publication materials and proposals that put them ahead of the competition.

A range of affordable membership options is available depending on committee participation level, from $3,200 to $19,200 per calendar year.

New Member Discount

50% off the first year's dues for any membership level. Available for new member companies only.

Learn more about the benefits of membership, review JEDEC's dues structure, or apply for membership today.