Global Standards for the Microelectronics Industry
The JEDEC Staff
Arlene Collier, Sr. Coordinator
Tel: (703) 907-7534
Email Arlene
- Membership Services and Billing
- New member applications and processing
- Committee Services for JC-11, JC-14
- JEDEC Awards Program
- JEDEC Committee Roster
Emily Desjardins, Director
Tel: (703) 907-7560
Email Emily
- Secretary and staff support to: BoD
- Marketing Activities
- Association Communications
- Industry Media Contact/Press Releases
- JEDEC Website Design
John Kelly, President
Tel: (703) 907-7515
Email John
- Legal and Executive Management
Arnaud Lebègue, Director
Tel: (703) 907-7589
Email Arnaud
- JEDEC Website/Voting Machine
- Password protected area
- IT
- Website inquiries/postings
Donna McEntire, Director
Tel: (703) 907-7516
Email Donna
- Budget and Finance
- Hotel Negotiations
- Committee Hotel Arrangements/Meeting Schedule
- JEDEC Events
Phileasher Tanner, Sr. Coordinator
Tel: (703) 907-7540
Email Phileasher
- Secretary and staff support to: JC-13
- Committee Services for JC-15, JC-16, JC-40, JC-42, JC-45, JC-63, and JC-64
- Events Coordinator
- License Assurance/Disclosure spreadsheet
- IEC Activities
- Manufacturer ID Code, Type Administration support
- Miscellaneous billings
Xianmin Xi, China Office
Tel: 8610-8446-4172
Email Xianmin
JEDEC Consultants: Committee Secretaries
Julie Carlson
Tel: (703) 624-9230
Email Julie
- Standards, Committee Secretary for JC-10, JC-11
Mark Kellogg
- Committee Secretary for JC-16, JC-40, JC-42, JC-45, JC-63 and JC-64
Ken McGhee
- ROCS, Committee Secretary for JC-14 and JC-15