Server Forum

June 19, 2017 - Santa Clara, CA

Join us for JEDEC’s Server Forum where experts from industry leaders, including major OEMs, will offer a preview into the widely-anticipated DDR5 (Double Data Rate 5) and NVDIMM-P Design standards currently in development . Increasing server performance requirements are driving the need for more advanced technologies and the standardization of next generation memories such as DDR5 and NVDIMM-P will be essential to fulfilling those needs.

Event Date

Monday, June 19

To Register

Registration has closed. Thank you for your interest in the Server Forum.


Sponsorship Interested in sponsoring the Server Forum? JEDEC has a limited number of tabletop booth spots available during this event. Contact Donna McEntire for details.
Registration Fees

Registration ends June 12: $350/JEDEC members, $375/non-members

Registration includes program attendance, continental breakfast, and a beverage break.
Please note: A link will be provided to download presentations in advance of the event.
Hard copies will NOT be provided on site.


Santa Clara Marriott
2700 Mission College Boulevard
Santa Clara, California 95054 USA


Discounted self-parking rates for attendees: $6.00 (per car, per day)
*Does not include valet or overnight parking


General questions: Angie Steigleman at
Press inquiries: Emily Desjardins at
Registration: Phileasher Tanner at